School Council is a valuable home/school link that supports the learning environment of our students and your children.
The Council acts in an advisory capacity providing ideas and input to assist the principal and where appropriate, school board trustees in their decision making on educational issues.
School Council membership includes parents (elected by parents), the principal, one member of the teaching staff, one non-teaching staff representative and, if possible, an appointed community member.
Bayshore P.S School Council Meetings 23-24
All meetings will take place in the library
on Tuesdays from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
September 19th
October 17th
November 21st
January 16th
February 18 th
April 16 th
May 21st
June 18 th
All parents are welcome!
Contacting School Council:
Email: [email protected]
In Writing: Leave a note in the main office.
Speak to our Multi-Cultural Liaison Officer about School Council:
Beshir Nakishbandi
T:613-828-8698, extension 2014
or by Email: [email protected]