Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes approximately 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
- We offer full-day bilingual Kindergarten, the English program with Core French, and Early French Immersion.
- After completing Grade 6, most students attend Bell High School.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page.
About Our School
Bayshore Public School is a community school where most of the students live within walking distance. Our families are a diverse tapestry of cultures consisting of newcomers and refugees who bring rich traditions and life experiences to our school.
We provide a safe, supportive environment where student learning and well-being is the focus. We strive to create an environment where we are “Learning, Playing, Growing Together”.
Our inclusive and supportive approach also encourages the involvement of parents/guardians in their child’s education and in our school activities. This practice fosters a culture of respect and belonging, as well as the opportunity to learn about and accept individual differences.
Our student population reflects the diversity of Canadian culture and consists of children from a variety of backgrounds and races. Bayshore P.S students represent over 34 countries and more than 30 languages including Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Dari, Turkish, Urdu, Pashto, Somali, among many others.
Parents and Community
Our community has grown in its diversity and welcomes families that represent rich diversity of languages, cultures and faiths. We offer a safe, empathetic and supportive space for all students. Bayshore is truly a community school with more than 95% of our students walking to and from school each day.
Our school houses many programs including:
- Adult ESL/LINC through the OCDSB Continuing Education Department
- International Languages Program on every Saturday morning/ afternoon and during the month of July
- LINC pre-school daycare for adult students attending the LINC program
- OCDSB Extended Day Program throughout the school year and during the summer.
We also have many community partnerships, including but not limited to:
- Bayshore Advisory Committee meets monthly with all stakeholders in the community to promotes and enhance interactions among the community.(members include area school principal, City of Ottawa Parks & Recreation staff, The Boys & Girls Club, Accora Village staff, & Community Police Officer)
- Accora Village and Minto
- Ottawa Public Health
- Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Service (PQCHS)
Academic Programs
Bayshore P.S. has a Regular English program in which the students receive 20 minutes of Core French per day at the JK and SK levels, and then receive 40 minutes of Core French from Grades 1 to 6.
In our Early French Immersion program, the children receive 50% French instruction and 50% English instruction. In Grade 1, students in the Early French Immersion program receive Mathematics instruction in English. Beginning in Grade 2, students in the Early French Immersion receive Mathematics and English Language instruction.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Students requiring extra help are supported by our highly skilled resource teachers who work collaboratively with teaching staff, provide guided instruction to small groups and provide Literacy and Math enrichment to individual students. Our student support team is comprised of Learning Resource Teachers (LRT) and Learning Support Teachers (LST) and ESL teachers (English Second Language). Our Learning Support Teachers (LST) performs diagnostic testing and provides remedial support. Our Learning Resource teachers, ESL teachers and educational assistants support students within their classes and provide small group support as needed.
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover. For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.